National Siblings Day online art sessions for young siblings - Saturday 12th April 2025
To celebrate National Siblings Day this year, we are running free creative arts sessions for young siblings via Zoom. The sessions are being run in conjunction with Artpod. A Sibs team member will also be available at the session.
What equipment will I need?
We will post a box to your home containing everything siblings need to complete the activity. Each activity is carefully designed for children to be able to do on their own, but some may need support from parents during the session. Each pack will include some suggested follow-on activities you can easily do at home with leftover materials or common household items to keep the creativity going!
Which session should I book onto?
- 10am-11.30am is for siblings aged 4-10
- 1pm-2.30pm is for siblings aged 11+
What will we be making in the art sessions?
We will be learning how to make a squishy!
Younger siblings aged 4-10 will be decorating a melon squishy.
Siblings aged 11+ be making their own paint and decorating squishy pizza slices.
Can more than one sibling in a family join in?
Yes! But they will need to join the session for their age group. We have limited places, so ask you to consider whether this is an activity that all of your sibling children will enjoy.
Will I have to pay?
No. There will be no charge for the activity, but Sibs has no specific funding for this work, so we do ask you to consider making a donation of £5 per child to support the work of Sibs and the costs to the charity to facilitate sessions like these for siblings in the future. Please note that each place costs Sibs £35.
Thank you for any help you can give.
Can my disabled child join in?
Sibs is only funded to work with siblings of disabled children, so this activity is for siblings only.
To participate, parents/carers will need to provide an email address to receive the Zoom link. You’ll need Wi-Fi and a computer, tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone (usually built in). If for any reason you have technical difficulties during the session, each pack will include instructions to allow you to complete the activity.
Will need to be available for the first 5-10 minutes of the session so that Sibs can say hello and we can give an introduction to the session.